Jump Bars

Function: Strengthens calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings (jumping and step-ups), chest, biceps and triceps (push-ups).
Instructions: Jumping: Jump from one side of the bar to the other, repeatedly, using either one leg at a time or two. For a more challenging workout, perform leap frog jumps slalom style, down the length of the bars. Step Ups: Step up on a bar with one foot then the other, step back down and repeat. Push Ups: Bars can also be used for inclined push ups.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000024. Surface Mount: 78000024SM.
Stretch pole, 3-pad

Function: Stretches quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and abdominals.
Instructions: Using one hand on the pole as a guide, begin to either side-step one foot at a time or step up to each pad while travelling in a circular path. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and your abdomen tight during the exercise.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000084. Surface Mount: 78000084SM.
leg extension

Function: Strengthens Gluteals/Rear, Quadriceps/Front of Thighs and Calves.
Instructions: Sit on seat with back flat against backrest. Place feet under foot holders. Slowly straighten legs. Hold then slowly return to start position. Do not lock knees.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000013 - Single. Surface Mount: 78000013SM - Single.
Leg press

Function: Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes and abdominals.
Instructions: Sit on seat with legs braced against foot pad. Push body away from the footrest. Hold then slowly return to start position. Do not lock your knees.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000011 - 2-Person, 78000012 - 4-Person. Surface Mount: 78000011SM - 2-Person, 78000012SM - 4-Person.
leg stretch station - 3-way

Function: Increases lower body flexibility.
Instructions: Face the bar and place leg at appropriate height. Keep leg as straight as possible. Bend at the waist and lower upper body to leg, reaching for the extended leg's foot and bringing head towards the knee. Hold, and raise upper body back to starting position. Switch legs as necessary.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000069. Surface Mount: 78000069SM.
lying leg curl

Function: Strengthens hamstrings and glutes.
Instructions: Lie on your stomach on bench, grasp handles with hands and place ankles under foot holders. Bend legs slowly. Hold and return to starting position.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78000015 - 2-Person. Surface Mount: 78000015SM - 2-Person.
roller fit leg press

Function: Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes and abdominals.
Instructions: Sit on the seat and firmly hold the handles on the side of the seat. Place the balls of your feet on the centre foot bar and push yourself up the track with your legs. Push until your legs are almost totally straight, but do not lock your knees. Relax your legs to lower yourself and repeat.
Options: In-Ground Mount: 78001002 - 1-Person, 78001003 - 2-Person, 78001004 - 4-Person. Surface Mount: 78001002SM - 1-Person, 78001003SM - 2-Person, 78001004SM - 4-Person.
combo leg extension & leg curl

Function: Strengthens chest, shoulders, upper and mid-abdominals, forearms, and triceps.
Options: 78000059